@0544014 @nurm123 @DorkGamer tf you mean "rabbit hole"?? bro hes literally just some edgy teenager that you guys are throwing a tantrum over because he shot a dog with a toy gun when he was a little kid
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@0544014 @nurm123 @DorkGamer tf you mean "rabbit hole"?? bro hes literally just some edgy teenager that you guys are throwing a tantrum over because he shot a dog with a toy gun when he was a little kid
@FourDollars99Cents @nurm123 @DorkGamer I'm just saying, this whole situation just gets more and more darker.. And you seem really chill despite all these accusations against him. Are you good friends with Bunkum?
@FourDollars99Cents @nurm123 @DorkGamer And even if he was a little kid, he doesn't get a pass for what he SUPPOSEDLY did.
@slimmy45 @nurm123 @DorkGamer the top comment on that post is literally AK saying "OOOOOOH NOW I WANNA NAZIFY AK" yet you arent calling them a neonazi?
some of the jokes he made rubbed me the wrong way but i could have never expected something to this extent. he's always struck me as an edgelord, and i'm ashamed to say i've dealt with those before. he's been a great friend to me in dms, and he was one of the first friends i ever made on ng. from what i've spoken with him in private, he seemed kind enough, but i was always sort of worried he'd gone down the wrong path because of his nsfw artwork despite him being a minor, and his overall nature. im aware of the lasting effects these problematic corners of the internet can have on someone his, and likely most of our ages. it's not pretty. hope he can recover
@slimmy45 @nurm123 @DorkGamer he was like 12 at the time dude hes changed and grown
@0544014 @nurm123 @DorkGamer yeah bunkum is like my zesty bestieeee and we like talk about our silly little drawings together
@FourDollars99Cents @nurm123 @DorkGamer Okay. So you SAY Bunkum does edgy jokes. But they focus more on the edge part than the actual humor. There's no punchline or anything
@slimmy45 ak literally said he wanted to nazify themself at the top comment dude i literally just said that
also him being 12 implies that it was at least a good 5 or 4 years ago so its kinda weird how youre still holdin that type of shit against him to this day
Well I didn’t do it. I thought I would joke because my naive self thought “oh he’s my frieeeend it’s kinda edgy but it’s ok” but when he admitted to him being a corpse fucker and a dog shooter it started to become clear how messed up he is
@0544014 @nurm123 @DorkGamer the punchline is the people getting angry
@Asskick247 ur acting like hes done the little dog pellet thing multiple times and even then i dont see how him putting "corpse fucker" on his ref to be edgy is a thing to call him out for like he genuinely finds attraction to the dead
Read his thing
@Asskick247 "As for the things I have said and made, it was purely done for edginess. Things like "Oh yeah im a necrophile" or even the Nazi drawing, or even the comments I make about gore videos do not reflect on who I am as a person, they were purley for the purpose of coming off as weird and edgy."
Yeah, that’s fair, I get it, but people still expressed how weird it sounded and how uncomfortable it made people, yet he kept going. That’s just being extremely rude and weird towards your friends.
@Asskick247 yeah only like 2 fucking people were complaining at that time
@slimmy45 the necrophilia was literally just him making an edgy joke but okay buddy ok dude
@slimmy45 ones just being an edgelord and the other is racist dude is your brain actually fucking smooth
@slimmy45 yeah but like bunkum wasnt actually gonna fuck any corpses at all? oh my god you are an actual pussy
@slimmy45 there shouldnt be a problem with him joking about it, unless hes ACTUALLY attracted to corpses
@FourDollars99Cents its still pretty fucked up and some people dont like that type of humour, altought its his business if he wants to continue to joke like that or not
@FourDollars99Cents are u trying to defend him or sum shit?
lmao do u understand how fucked up n stupid u sound?
i think u forgot that pellet gun is still strong enough to give u a lot of pain
n i dont accept the fact that "waa waa he was 12"
he still did that n thats the fact
and idc that he copypasted sum shit from a fnf mod, he showed it on public n pretty much made ppl uncormftable
and the cat blend thing, i wont even talk about it cuz of how bullshit ur words sound
so go gets some fucking life
@slimmy45 @nurm123 @DorkGamer The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper.